Build an Authentic Business God’s Way

In this episode I chat with Michelle Castro from 'Growth Against The Grain' about how to balance work and motherhood and grow a successful business from home, partnering with God but also being present for your kids. We discuss why network marketing is the answer for so many women and why we shouldn't write it off. The secret to leveling up in business, or life - and it might not be what you think! If you have been believing the lie that building a business equals 24/7 hustle, then make sure you listen in.

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Hey mummas! Today, I am bringing you an interview that I did recently with my beautiful friend, Michelle, all the way from the U S and we are talking all things, building a business, being your authentic self, and also building a business God's way and positioning yourself in letting him work through your business. Now, Michelle is a wife and mama to three beautiful girls over in LA, in California. And she's the host of a podcast for Christian entrepreneurs called growth against the grain. Michelle's specialises in helping women in the network marketing space, sharp as the unique unicorn that God made them to be avoiding the copy paste culture and leaning into who they are and the value they have to offer through strategy, mindset, and some healthy living for good measure. Michelle loves the network marketing slash direct sales space and believes that women can grow an audacious business without looking like anyone else being connected to socials 24 7, and can actually do this while being present for those. You love the most and honouring the Lord in the process. So I'm so excited to bring you this interview. Let's get into it.

Well, Michelle, thank you so much for coming on the show. Michelle. I'm so excited for you to be here and to start us off. Would you mind sharing a little bit about you introduce yourself who's in your family and a bit about what you do?


Absolutely. Oh my goodness. I, we could talk for hours and I feel like this is just going to be the first one of, of many of these. We've seen eye to eye on so many things. This is just so much fun. And I just love that we are in two different continents and able to do this right now. So it's so exciting. Thank you Elise, for having me, it's been looking forward to this all day long and really all my daughter wants to know is if you can say, can you throw some shrimp on the, because that's all that they think I know it's so terrible. So


That's happened. Never said that in my life.


I figured as much I kept telling her. I'm like, no, I'm not going to ask her to say that. But anyways, I digress. My name is Michelle Castro. I live in Los Angeles, California in the United States of craziness and so much fun. It's I've lived here my entire life and I love it. It's it's just so much fun here. And we're having really great weather right now. So we're like soaking it all up before it gets really hot and deserty. So I help women in the network marketing space show up as the unique unicorn. I love that word unicorn, that God made them to be by putting off kind of that, you know, Hey girl copy paste culture, and really lean into being authentically who they are by building relationships and watching the Lord blessed their business by really just leaning into that and being them. So I realised, I just said that and didn't tell you, like, I've got married, I've got three daughters and clearly I'm like scatterbrained and all over the place. So if I can do it, you can do it. Right.


We all. Yeah. I feel like everyone that I've talked to is that yeah, you baby brain doesn't come back. You're just, you're just scattered brain for the rest of your life. That's how it is. Cool. Okay. Well, we'll roll with it then. Pretty


Much exactly. It's just another form of baby brain. It's now toddler brain and then teenage brain, you know,


So, but I'm so excited. So you, yeah. Briefly mentioned what you do and you have your brand growth of grant growth against the grain. And I love it because obviously I am also in network marketing, but I love that you talk about doing network marketing God's way and being authentically used. So that's kind of what we're going to talk about, but for anyone listening, who's not necessarily in network marketing still listen, because you can apply this to your whole entire life. Really. It's just that this is your area of expertise. So can you to share with us how you got started into how you got started with network marketing?


Sure. It's been in my life in one way or another kind of all my life. Like I've always heard of it. And I can't say that I always was familiar with it in a positive way, but I knew that there was definitely something really great about it. My mom partnered with a company when I was in college and I saw the flexibility that it gave her and she did really well. And it also gave her this confidence now as an adult, I see that like, she always seemed super, but it just, it fed her in a different way that I don't even think she realised she needed, but she loved it. And so when my oldest daughter who is now 18, just graduated from high school, it's kind of crazy. When she was maybe six or eight months old, I was presented with an opportunity to partner with a company and a friend of mine.

And, and I did it. I was looking for just an, an addition, a way to bring in additional income. I feel like I'm an entrepreneur at heart raised by an entrepreneur who was raised by an entrepreneur. So this whole idea of figuring out how you can do things on your own without being tied to, you know, the nine to five, I should also back up a little bit. I'm an elementary school teacher by education. And I loved that, but you can't really say, excuse me, I need a few days off because I got to go do this, that, and the other thing, I got my first taste of entrepreneurship and I loved it and I never looked back and never went back into the classroom. So then when this opportunity came up, I jumped on it. I loved it. I loved that. It allowed me to be available for my daughter and my husband who traveled a lot.

So it just gave us that flexibility we were looking for. And I did that for maybe three and a half years or so. And then that time came to an end and I pursued some other passions, but about the time that our youngest daughter who's now 11 was getting ready. So she was four. She was getting ready to start into kindergarten. So that year prior to it, my husband and I were kind of just talking about what should we do? Should I go back into the classroom? Because you know, you put in all this time and energy to get your degree and go through and get credentialing. And so is that something I should do? And so we really prayed about it and here's the thing the Lord like slammed that door shut, which I love when he either opens the door wide open or he slams it shut.

It's when it's a jar that I'm kind of like, so is this a yes, is this a no, like what, what are you wanting us to do here? So he made it very clear. He slammed that door shut. And maybe six months later, a friend of mine shared an opportunity with me that she was with a company and all the boxes ticked. I always say it was kind of like everything. I didn't know I was looking for. And it allowed me to be home to really be available for the girls to be at their parties, to be at, you know, I want it to be that mom, that the class mom, you know, the room mom that was doing all this stuff. So that's really how I got started and saw it grow in a way didn't tie me down to clock in clock out.


Yeah. Yeah. So it was your, your husband was obviously very supportive of you during that. Yes. And still.


Yeah. Yes, absolutely. And that's the Lord had done a lot in us through that time. And it was so important that he be on board because honestly, if you're starting a business and those who are closest to you are not supportive, you can do it, but you've just created like a massive uphill battle. And, you know, if you feel like the Lord's calling you to it, then, then go for it. But I needed my husband completely on board and he, he absolutely was and still


Is. That's so good. So what's been the best thing about network marketing. You've mentioned obviously the, a bit of the time freedom has that been the best thing? Has there been some other things that you, you know, cause you've obviously stuck to it and you know, you're still doing it even to this day, you're still building actively building your business. So what's been the best thing about it.


I would definitely say the flexibility because you can, you can build something here within this space that you can build elsewhere. Absolutely. This is not unique, the flexibility of it, but there's so many other nuances that go into it. The financial potential is there. It is not a get rich quick. And I think that's been one of the biggest misnomers along with many others, but it's not. And if someone's telling you it is, they're crazy, that's not true. You have to work for anything you're going to grow. You have to work. But I would definitely say the flexibility, which is a double edged sword. I'm a firm believer that the greatest, you know, pros can also be your greatest cons if you're not using it correctly. And that's one thing that I have had to really overcome as I've made a transition from one company to another opening my eyes to how I really can build this business, but not be building 24 7. And that's where that flexibility comes in. You kind of have to put those boundaries in. You have to create that because there's no boss that say, well, I'm only paying you for, you know, five hours today. So, you know, you have to decide how you're going to use that time.


Yeah. So true. That it's the biggest advantage, but can also be the biggest weakness in it, because if you're like me and can procrastinate and you go, oh, hang on, it's been awakened. I've done nothing because I just, oh, I'll do it later. I'll do it like, oh, all the free time. Yeah. So how do you then balance tension, I guess, between, because one of my favourite things is I have been able to have my kids at home with me while I'm building this business. So how do you balance attention between working and having that flexibility, but also being a mum


It's hard at times sometimes it's, it flows a lot easier. And I feel like just when you get in the groove, things change. So here in the states where north America, so it's summer, my kids just finished school. I was just getting going in my routine. I had it all figured out and then it's like the alerts like, oh, oh, you got it. Okay. Let's just shake that eight ball up a little bit. And like, let's just have some fun here. So I was, I think one of the biggest things is communication, really communicating with everybody in the family. And I just had a talk with my kids yesterday in one setting their expectations, just like you would do with your client. Like you sell them a product and then you want to S like manage their expectations. Same thing with my kids here.

Like I need to manage their expectations. Like we're not like going someplace every day, just because it's summer, we never have this, not how it's going to go, but they also can't be, you know, just running around, watching TV all day. They need to respect my time as I respected their time when we were in the classroom. Cause they were working from home. And so I just put a sign up on my door that it says, you know, the corporate offices of growth against the grain when the door is closed, do not enter, you know, so this is our corporate office. But I would definitely say communication and setting those boundaries balance. Sometimes I think I've got it right on the head. And sometimes there's like, the balance is completely flipped upside down. And as moms, we feel that like you see when everything's a skew and you're like, oh wait, I just, I need to get things under control. And maybe that means you wake up earlier. So for me per personally, I wake up before everybody else in my house so that I can spend time in the word, I can do my exercises and I can get ready. And then hopefully not be working until 2, 3, 4 o'clock in the afternoon, you know, figuring all of that out, finding those boundaries. So I don't know if that's really balancing.


No, I like it. Yeah. I like using the word boundaries more than balance because it is and managing that. And I guess as the kids get older, it's easier to communicate that with them, that, you know, they're able to entertain themselves longer than five minutes, which is what my current can you just, mommy just needs to make a phone call. Can you give me five minutes now? But you know, they're three, two and three months. So of course they can't just give me five minutes, but you know, but yeah. Setting those boundaries for yourself, but also for your children and then letting them know, you know that you're not, and we'll get to this in a minute. Actually we'll talk about now. So with the mentality of hustling, because I feel like that's a word that I have heard thrown around a lot in the network marketing, but even business space. So you don't have to be in network marketing, but if you want to in business, if you are more than just an employee going go out then there's this whole thing around hustling. But I know that you're really big on women building their business in their own way. So can you share a bit around that and how to stop the hustle and build it authentically? Yes.


Oh my goodness. This Stefanie Gass, who has been both our business coach. As she says, it lights me up like big time because I've done it the other way. I've flipped everything around and I have hustle, hustle, hustle, and why you end up driving yourself crazy. You end up working so much harder than you need to. And it's not okay as believers to like, we need to put things in priority. If we are called to be responsible for what we need to do. So you decide what is it that needs to be done in your day? What is your job description? And as long as we're responsible and faithful to do that, the Lord is going to bless those efforts. And that to me was as being a believer for 40 plus years, it was kind of this light bulb that went on that was like, whoa, wait a second.

I, I just need to do what the Lord's called me to do. And then he's going to take care of the rest. I think one of the biggest things too, within this whole network marketing space is there's this concept that there's the corporate world and they function this way and then there's network marketing and they function this way. And they're kind of like the black sheep. And I really am passionate about demystifying things around network marketing, because the fact of the matter is there's that girl, that's making a bad name in network marketing. And there's that girl, that's making a bad name in the corporate sector as well. But like, there's just those people that are doing it wrong. And there's those people that are doing it right. And I so want to go against that hustle, harder movement being on 24 7, just the same way you would look at somebody in corporate America and say, oh my goodness, this girl is working, you know, 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM.

That's just, it's not okay. You're not going to last. Maybe you do it for a short season because it's tax season or it's like, whatever it happens to be whatever industry you happen to be in. But to do that day in and day out is not, it's not sustainable and it's not healthy. And that's one thing that I've appreciated so much about staff is really, she is so honest about no, don't be connected. You do not need to be connected 24 7. And I know for myself, I have felt because you're an entrepreneur, you work, you get paid. That's how it works. Right? And so I felt like, well, if I'm constantly working, then I'm going to build a better paycheck. I'm going to build a bigger paycheck. And what I found is, yeah, there's a part of that that may come about, but I was making myself kind of my God.

I was kind of putting myself in a position that I didn't need to be in. And I needed to show up. Like I was saying, I needed to show up, do what I needed to do to accomplish my goals. Take care of my customers, take care of my, you know, team, answer their questions and then stop and create those boundaries so that I could then pour into my family and, and not glorify this whole workaholic idea, which I don't know if there's, if you guys have that going on in Australia, but in the states, it is like, we give crowns to people for you. You work all day every day, oh, Bravo, Bravo. And I've been called and you've been called first to be a mom or a wife and a mom and then everything else. And that's the badge that we need to wear. And I do so feel like we can do that. We can build this audacious business by putting the Lord first, our husbands, our children, and then everything else.


Yeah. Daddy's so very true. And thinking about, you know, yeah, it is your priority and doing what God has asked you to do first. And when you, when we stand at with God on whenever, whatever that day is better, be soon with the world. But anyway, so I think and he says like, you know, what did you do with what I gave you? And you go, oh, I got all these sales, my marriage fell apart. And I haven't, don't talk to my kids anymore because they didn't talk to me because I'm a workaholic, but I made the sales, like in the scheme of things, God's going to be like, but I asked you to serve them first. And so yeah, I think having that as a mindset then helps you, when we get to that, going back to the flexibility, part of things to be actually really intentional with the little time that you do have to then build your business rather than, you know, we say we're working 24 7, but you know, too, and then that's building it God's way, which is the biggest difference to the world. Totally, totally.


And that's one thing that I have learned in the last few months is really portioning out my time so that I am, and I'm giving it, I'm naming it, like, okay, between these hours, this is what I'm going to do. And it has helped me so much. Do I stay within those hours all the time? No, but I'm much better now than I was before. And I feel like I can see my phone stays on, do not disturb 90% of the day. It has just released so much from me.


Yeah. Yeah. So I got, and, and not being on social media, scrolling, scrolling, scrolling, and yeah. It's so once you can get a hold, if you can get a hold of your phone and take back control over your phone and Life, there's so much more freedom in it.


Completely. Oh my goodness. You'll breathe so much better. Like the first day that I did that, where I actually followed kind of my schedule, put my phone on, do not disturb. I'm just telling you like it was freeing and guess what? I'm not saving lives. I'm not doing heart surgery. Like there's nothing, what I sell is not so important that it can't take an hour or a day. If I missed somebody. In fact, I did miss an order at the end of a couple months ago. And I was with my daughter on a field trip. I got back to the girl about a day and a half later because we were gone and she had ordered from somebody else. And I was like, okay. I was with my daughter. That's fine.


Yeah. And having, it's just such a different mindset, whereas right. Am I right in saying like a year ago that would have killed you?


Oh, totally. Totally. I would have been like, whoa, wait a second. No, how can I get this back? What can I, I would have been constantly on my phone. And I was like, eh, you know what? And here's the thing. We hit the biggest goal that particular month. There wasn't any her ordering or not ordering did not get us there or not, not get us there. You know? Like the Lord wanted us to get there. We got there. Okay. Onto the next thing. I'm trusting him to, if he's doing, like, I was doing my work, I was faithful. I was doing, I wasn't sitting back just like, okay, Lord, bring them my way. I was doing my work. So I was like, well, I missed this one. Okay. I'm but I'm going to hustle harder. Like I don't want to do it again. Like let's not make a habit of this. Get rid of one getaway one. Yeah. Not another one.


Yeah. No, but it's the difference between trusting God. And it's like in any situation in your life though, trusting God, but then you actually have to take action. Like, was it saying James faith without deeds in dead? You it's one thing to have faith, but it's another thing you have to actually move on that faith. So if God has called you to do this, then you, by taking action, he will bless you and bring favour on you. And I totally believe that.


Yes. Amen.


Yes. So going back to what are some of the things that women can do? And I guess this is a bit more network marketing based. But what are some of the things that women can do to level up in their business or really, I guess it can apply to any workplace really? Can't it?


Yeah, totally. Well I'm a pretty simple person. Like I always laugh, you know, we go to the art museum and I'm like, well, that looks like a black guy. I don't know what that is. You know, like I'm very, very simple and somebody else is like, Ooh, this is so I'm not super profound here. But what I have found for me is just keeping it simple, writing down your goals and really backtracking it. So if you know where you want to be at the end of the month, like break it down. There's 31 days in the month of June or 30, whatever. However many days are in this month.

And we may have added one. I, I don't know break it down, you know, get specific, get super, you know, those smart goals, specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound really write those things down and then break it into little chunks. Maybe you start by the week, you know? Okay. But by the end of week one, I want to be here by the end of week two, I need to be here. And then beyond that too, I like to make it super tangible. So let's say you sell a product and you want to, you know, by the end of the month, you want to have a volume of you've sold 4,000 in volume. So there's four weeks in a month. That's a thousand each week. Well maybe you sell a product that it's volume is a thousand or is it is a hundred. So that means each you need to sell 10 of that item in, in one week to get there, break it down.

So, you know, okay, I can check it off. Cause sometimes just finding a thousand seems super like, oh my gosh, how am I going to get there? Well, gosh, I have product a here that is a hundred points. Okay. If I sell 10 of those, that's going to get me there. What do I need to do to sell 10 of those this week and then move on to next week? And I just like to make it like, you know, how do you eat an elephant one bite at a time, break it down as small as possible. Another thing. And it's proven I don't have the statistics on it, but if you share your goals with somebody, you are exponentially more likely to hit that goal. So find a friend, someone who really wants to cheer you on and share it with them. And then, like I said, break it down, keep it super, super sizable for you.


I love that. I just had a massive truck roll up right outside my window. So I apologise if you can hear some rumbling in the background. But I love that to actually know your goal because that's one thing to say like, oh, you know, I want to in network marketing, I want to hit this rank. Or even just, if you have a brick and mortar business, I want to hit this amount of dollar in sales, whatever it is to actually have that goal and have that vision of where you want to be is one thing. But then to break it down that's yeah. And I love how you just keep it simple. You just break it down. Okay. If I just have to sell 10 of these a week. Okay. That's two a day and then I've got the weekends free. Let's do that.


Exactly. And the same thing works for like dieting. If you want to lose weight, like break it down. If you start looking at, you know, oh, I want to lose 20 pounds. That seems really huge. Break it down, keep it small. Like yeah. It applies to everything.


Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So true. So how do we, and we've pretty much touched on this, but is there anything else you wanted to share around really partnering with God when we are starting a business or maybe a mum is thinking, okay, you know what, maybe going into network marketing is something that I want to do. Cause I want that flexibility. I want the potential of the income, all those things. What are some things that we can do to really partner with God in that?


Such a great question. I, before anything bathe it in prayer, pray, pray, pray because the Lord will reveal to you what he wants you to do. He will give you that peace. And honestly, this is something that I would all have always said I partnered with and what I was doing, but I don't really think I was. And the Lord has used like the last year and a half to really prepare me for where he has me now. And what I realised is that I hadn't been partnering with him. I had been praying like, oh Lord, you know, you know, grow my business, bring the customers my way, all that, you know, help me with this. But it wasn't really, until I started just praying over this, what do you want me to do, Lord? What is it that you have for me and opening my eyes.

And he, he showed me that through truly the last year and a half through different sales trainings. I did different coaching I took and invested in and it just, each little thing kind of opened my eyes a little bit more to the point now where I see, oh no, no, no, this needs to be the Lords. I need to put it in his hands and release it. And some days I'm really good about Lord, this is yours. You do what you want. Sometimes I'd like holding onto a little bit of it, like learn. It's mostly yours. But you know, I think that's our humanness coming through with it, but absolutely bathing it in prayer.


Yeah. Yeah. And there's a difference in your posture right? Of before going, God help me with this, bring me, bring me the sales, bring me the people, whatever to going, God, this is yours. What would you like me to do with it? What would you like? Who can I bless with this? Who can I you know, what, what can I do? This is this is your business like, and letting him move through you through it is it's such a different posture. I love that. Love that so much. Absolutely. So just to finish off, is there is there anything that you would say to a woman who is wanting to get started in network marketing?


Yeah. Do it, that's it? No. I absolutely love this space. I think it's really, really brilliant. And as with anything there's going to be pros and cons and everything. So do your homework. I have an episode, I think it's episode six where I really go through four things to talk about or to really look for in network marketing. But essentially I'll rapid fire them to you. Things that you can look at and some you don't really know until maybe you get into it, but a lot of these, you should be able to ask whoever you're talking to about this. One, is there a system, a system where everyone can win. That's not dependent upon you, meaning something that is plug and play ready to go off to the races where you're not also, as you bring people on, if that's what you choose to do, you don't have to hold their hand the whole way because you're probably still learning too.

So definitely looking at that. Is it a consumable product? You can have a, you know, leggings or jewellery, nothing against them. I have drawers filled with them, but many people, including myself, as much as I love them, I'm more likely to spend money, not even more likely I do. It's a fact, I spend more money on products that I washed down the drain that I use constantly because you go, you run out of them. I will sacrifice getting a new pair of leggings to buy my consumable products. Look at the compensation plan. Is it really something that everyone can win? Not all network marketing businesses are created equal and there is a shift happening within the network marketing space, where we have these companies that are still sticking to a very traditional network marketing structure. And those that are shifting to this social, selling a bit more of an affiliate marketing component to it, look at those.

I mean, you always want to be with where's the trend, where is it going? So look at those things. Is it something where everyone can win? One thing that attracted me to the company that I'm with now is that very thing so much in the network marketing space, it is you sell products and you build teams. And if you really want to make money, you do both. You can't really make money just by selling products. You do, you know, a little, but really the allure is once you build that team. Well, again, there's this shift to where it's like, well, that's great, but maybe you just want to sell products. Maybe you just want to buy it, you know, build a team, build a team. And so looking at that, does that compensation really reward you for just doing one or the other, and then you could maximize it and do both too, if you want it to.

Innovation is the company constantly innovating or they working on technology. That's four or five, 10 years old. I keep going back to apple every year in October, they produce a brand new phone friends like technology is moving. If your company is not innovating and I don't care what you sell, if they are not innovating, you probably want to take a look at that and see, because this is a business you're not going to just partner with a business because your best friend is doing it. Like really look at it, put your business brain on and think about the longterm. Is this something that you can grow with? And then the last thing is relevance. Is it a company that is hitting the nail on the head with where we are at right now? So for example, the company I'm with is a clean living health and wellness company.

I don't know of many places in the world that are not looking to keep things cleaner. They're looking for health and wellness. It's like being Bing, ding. Like we checked all the marks and I know at least you're with the same type of accompany that it's, this is where everything is. We want to be not putting products in and on our body. That really the Lord had no intention for us to be consuming. So looking at those things and I mean healthy, honestly, after the last year, find me a person who's not looking to be healthier. So just kind of thinking through those things, but do your homework and don't just do a company or join a company because your best friend is there. I'm a firm believer that there are people I will buy products from. And there are people I will build a business with. And a lot of times they are not the same.


Yeah, that's so good. And to have your, when you are looking at it to have your business brain on, because it is a business, even if you are just doing it as a side hobby or side hustle, whatever you want to call it it is still a business and it is still an income producing activity that you are doing, which is a business. So no, I love that. Love, love, love that. Thank you so much. Thank you so much for coming on and sharing all your wisdom and truth bombs and everything and help. I think it's good to, to help demystify the whole network marketing space because there still will. I feel like particularly over here, there's still a lot of people who are very, cringe at it and believable stigmas about the network marketing space, but you know, I'm, I'm a firm believer and I've seen it for myself. I've seen it for so many other people in the company that I'm with. But so many others that in is actually where the world's going, whether people like it or not. And you know, we are all, we all network market. And if you tell me a movie that you went to see, if you told me a restaurant that you really liked, you just networked, marketed. We just get paid for it.


Oh, I tell people that all the time, my dad's in real estate, I'm like he's built his business because people referred him. That's networking. Your manicurist got started her business because people, a friend told a friend told a friend, your doctor got started because you have a friend who told a friend who told a friend like there's, there's not any business that does not have Starbucks. Starbucks started because people bought into that and they told friends and then they bought into it. And, and really it, Starbucks is is not a franchise. But if you look at a franchise company, it is a network marketing structure because you're earning. So all of a sudden that's okay. But yes, it's, I think it's a fantastic place to be an aunt. One thing too. I always like to tell people, there's this, I feel like there's this mentality of, like, we talked about, get rich quick, you know, whatever successes, individual, maybe for you, you start this business because I cannot tell you how many people I have started in this business.

And I ask them how much money do you want to make them up? And they haven't had, because I think they're trying to figure out like, what, what is the answer I should give? What is it? You know, and nine times out of 10, it's something like $300, $300 is doable. $300 is car payment, $300. That is, most people are not coming in saying, I want to make $10,000 in left. And maybe you do go for it. You can we'll show you how to do that. But I think that's the other thing is you can be successful making $300 a month because if that's what you need and that's what you want. Fantastic. Can you make more? Yes. But you can do that anywhere.


Yeah. That's a really good point that, you know, you don't have to reach for the top ranks. If all you need is to earn enough to pay off your mortgage, then, then this is what is perfect is that you can then put in that work. That's going to allow you to make that, you know, having, having an extra couple of hundred bucks to pay your mortgage. Yep. Hello. I'll take that right? Yes, please. So good. So good. Thank you. Thank you again so much. I've loved having you on the show today.


This has been so much fun and I just love the opportunity to share my passion and really just sharing how awesome this opportunity is and how it really can tick the boxes for so many mamas out there who want to be helping maybe alleviate the financial pressure from your husband and also be present for those sweet babies. Because let me just tell you having one that just graduated high school, it flies by Elise. I know you're like in the thick of it and you're like, I just want to sleep and I'm tired. And before you know it, she's, she's graduating high school. It's, it's crazy. But thank you so much for having me on this was just so much fun.

Speaker 1:

Well, beautiful mama. I hope that you enjoyed that conversation that I had with Michelle. I know that I loved it. And for you to get even more from Michelle, which I know now you've heard her. You absolutely want to, so you can listen to her podcast. It is called Growth Against The Grain, which is also the name of her website And her Instagram is @hey.its.michellecastro. So make sure you do that, go and check her out. Otherwise I will see you on the show next week.


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