7 Hacks To A Cleaner Home In 15 Minutes

What if I told you 15 minutes was all it took to feel like you can get your home from chaotic to under control? Would you make time? Truth is, we can all find 15 minutes in our day. In this episode I share with you my top hacks for instantly making your home cleaner and calmer and you can do each in 15 minutes. 

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Hey there Mumma friend!

The question I have for you today is “do you have 15 minutes?”
If you are anything like me, the stuff in your home is overwhelming, you look around and constantly think of all the things on your to do list. More often than not, we spend more time thinking and procrastinating about the things we need to get done, rather than getting in there and getting them done in no time at all. I am guilty of this with the dishwasher. I don’t know why, but every morning I do whatever else needs to be done rather than just emptying the dishwasher. And every day when I finally do empty the dishwasher I have a laugh at myself because it took two minutes and now I can put all the dirty dishes cluttering the sink in there out of sight.

Physical clutter in our home is a result of the clutter in our mind and visa versa. Yes, they totally relate and affect one another. You can’t think straight, you can’t be fully present with the kids when you are thinking, even subconsciously about the hundred other things you SHOULD be doing. When we have a clear home, we can have a clearer mind. So no, you don’t have a mindset problem, you have a clutter problem.

Let’s change that! And let’s do it in 15 minute hits because we’re all busy, but we can all find 15 minutes.

Here are 7 of my top hacks when it comes to clearing the clutter when you have 15 minutes. Choose one, set the timer and get it done sister!

  1. Make The Beds, Open The Windows, Turn On Diffusers - It's amazing how much cleaner your house feels when the beds are made and the windows are open and you have a fresh aroma from pure essential oils.

  2. Kitchen Bench - Benches are notorious for being our 'stuff' holders. Sort through and put away or through out everything

  3. Junk Drawer - I know we all have one but do you know what's in there? Time to go through it and get it organised.

  4. Kids Toys - Get your kids involved with this one. Tell them (age appropriately) that there are kids who would love to play with the toys they don't use anymore. Then donate them together.

  5. Vacuum - This is my go to when I am strapped for time but need a quick clean. If the floor is clear of toys and clothes, all the food and dust is vacuumed up, I can breathe so much easier.

  6. Do The Dishes In The Sink - Wash, dry and put them away to clear the clutter. Wipe down the bench too. Empty and restack the dishwasher.

  7. Hamper Walk Around - Get an empty hamper and walk around the house picking up anything that isn't in its place. Then, if it has a place and you need to keep it, put it away or if you don't, get rid of it.

Simple right?!

Sometimes we just needs to strip back the overwhelm and find what’s causing the stress and be problem solvers and take action. Living simply is so much more than have a certain number of items in your wardrobe or having clean surfaces. It’s about having space for the things you love, the things you use and enjoy. And that goes for the space in your mind too.

You need to find what you go to is to help lift that weight off you. Like vacuuming the floor is to me, there will be one thing that when you do, you feel like a whole new person. Yes we are keepers of the home but that doesn’t come at a cost of our joy. And the whole point of this is for you to feel peace in your home again.

If you are needing more help with decluttering, living simply and getting over the mindset of motherhood equals a struggle, check out the Free As A Mumma Course, or fill in the contact form for one to one coaching.

I hope this little blog inspired you to create more joy in your home! And if it did I’d love you to contact me and share what you’ve implemented - @wholesomemumma over on Instagram.

Be Blessed Mumma Bear


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