How To Cultivate Peace

Are you searching for more peace in you life and home? In this episode I share with you five questions to ask yourself if you are looking for more calm in your world. These questions will set you up with a plan and show you how you can actually have more peace and we all know we could use some more! So if you, like me, are feeling overwhelmed with the stress of the world right now, then listen in.

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5 Questions to ask yourself to make a way for more peace!

  1. Morning Routine. How are you starting your day?

  2. Setting The Atmosphere. What noise do you have on in the house/car/workplace?

  3. Physical Food. What are you literally feeding yourself?

  4. Emotional Food. What are you taking in mentally?

  5. Watch Your Words. What are you speaking over your home and family?


Eating Well Without The Overwhelm


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