I’m Breaking Up With “All or Nothing” Mentality

Today I am chatting about one of the biggest blocks stopping you achieving your goals: an "All or Nothing" mindset. The good news is you control it, so you can change it. If you are waiting to start decluttering, eating well, ditching chemicals or waiting to start that business, until you have enough time, money, knowledge etc then this is the episode for you. 

This mindset can be sneaky in that we don't even realise we are suffering from perfectionism and it's holding us back in a big way. In this episode, I share with you four areas you need to let go of thinking in extremes and how you can move on by taking small action.

It's time to stop self sabotaging, comparing and feeling like an imposter and time to take action in your motherhood, your health and your home. Change starts with small imperfect steps.

See all the details for the FREE AS A MUMMA course here


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