3 Simple Steps To Get Out Of Survival Mode and Start Living With Intention
Are you feeling stuck in motherhood? Maybe you are just trying to get through each day and counting down until it's bedtime. In this episode, I share 3 simple things you need to do to get out of living in survival mode, especially when it feels like you're being pulled in a million different directions. If you want a more simple life, a life with more purpose, start here. These are the three steps that I have done and continue to do to have a more peaceful, purposeful motherhood and life.
Hey mumma, on today's episode, we're going to briefly chat around how to get unstuck from motherhood. So being stuck in motherhood, and I've spoken about it before, but it's just a topic that comes up so often when we're talking with other mums being stuck can look like waking up feeling already overwhelmed, feeling like we're living life on autopilot. And what I mean by living life on autopilot is doing things without really thinking that we're just in survival mode. And so in this episode, we're going to go through three quick things that you can do, or three quick steps to really get you unstuck out of this state of survival mode so that you can thrive.
We go into this a lot deeper in the Free As A Mumma course, which has just launched and is out there in the world. So if you wanting to have some extra handholding, when it comes to getting unstuck, then make sure you check out the course, we go through so much more than getting unstuck, but it's really about how you can go from survival mode in your mind, in your home, in your relationships, in your life to really starting to thrive. We talk through what it is to have values and boundaries around those, how to start decluttering your home, and also how to have a clear mind and clear vision. So if that sounds like something you are needing, then go to wholesome mama.com/courses, and I'll see you in there.
Okay. So the first thing that we need to, to get unstuck is to know our values. What do I mean when I say you need to know your values? What I mean is you need to know what matters most to you, to your family when everything else is stripped away. What's the three to five core things, things that like pillars to your family and to you. So what do you the value and why do you value it? What is it? And in the Free As A Mumma course, there's lots of questions that we go into around this, but a good way to find your values is to think about things like - what do I want to be known for? What legacy do I want to leave behind? What triggers me that's often when something triggers you because it's questioning or coming up against something that you value. So the first way, the first thing that we need to do to get unstuck is to know what we value, because if we don't have any clear direction, then there's no way that we can move past this mindset and feeling of being stuck and being pulled in 84 different directions.
And that leads me to the second step is to create a vision. So have a think and base it on your values. And that's why you need to know your values first to then create a vision. Okay, this is what matters to us. How do we then implement this into our lives? And what does this, what do these values look like as we are living them out?
So for me, health is a really big value that I have. And so how we implement that is in our budget, we budget a little bit of extra money to go towards our groceries. So we're eating really nourishing foods that are fuelling our bodies. We use essential oils, we see a naturopath, we see a physio and an osteo. There's lots of things that we have implemented into our life because that's a big value for us. Another one is family, family, and time together, and time to savour those moments together.
That's another really big value for us. So we have, we set time aside each week to have family time. And every other week we have a family date night. So it's things like that. What is the vision for your life? So knowing what you value, knowing what matters most to you, what's important to you. What does that look like? What would you like that to look like? And what does it currently look like now? Because when we are feeling like we're in survival mode, we're generally living our best life. So think about your value and then think about, okay, what does this look like in our life right now?
βI really value my marriage, but we're not spending any time together and we're just butting headsβ. Okay, what's your vision for your marriage? That we would have a weekly date night. Well, let's do some steps to implement that. Maybe start with a monthly date night, then go to a fortnightly and work your way up to a weekly. You don't have to implement this dream vision straight away, because it's just not doable to implement all the things straightaway.
And then the third thing is taking your vision and breaking that down into actionable steps that you can do and habits that you can create. So I really value my health. Okay. Maybe one habit that you need to work on is drinking more water, maybe one habit you need to work on is buying better food, not snacking as much, not grazing throughout the day. So that's how you go.
You have to know your value because you have to know what's important to you to then create a vision for your life. Okay. What would I like this to look like in my life? How do I want this to manifest in our life? And then how can I make that happen? What's the little small, actionable steps to make that vision happen.
And we go through this in so much more detail in depth with the course, but I just felt like I needed to share that with you because I get so many women saying that they're just feeling like they can't keep on top of things that it's just too much. They're being pulled in all these different directions. And yet, because we do get stuck in survival mode. It's hard to see how we can get out of that. So that's my little quick, easy three step way of how you can get unstuck in motherhood. Know your values, create a vision, then break it down to small habits.
So how did that has helped and blessed you today and that you are able to take some time out and think about what it is that what's the vision that you want to create for your family? I think that that's the most important thing is knowing where you are now, where want to go and what do you have to do to close that gap. So mumma have a beautiful week and I will be with you again next week.