Do You Really Know How To Love Your Spouse?

I don't remember anyone teaching me that we love differently, that men and women, at our core, need to receive love in unique ways. Join me as I share three of my favourite marriage resources (plus a bonus one for kids) that have been helpful and life-changing for us. Discovering how you need to be loved and how your spouse needs to be love will change your marriage. No more going down the spiral of feeling like you aren't getting each other, it's time to start seeing the fruit of a marriage that is thriving in truth and grace. What does love look like for us as women and how do we need that love shown practically? Listen in or read below to find out!


Love, just like language, is communicated in so many ways. So why then don’t we prioritise understanding how our spouse needs to be loved?

The Love & Respect Foundation.

Once you get this, things make sense! At the core of who we are, women have a longing to be loved, desired and nurtured. Whereas men, need to be loved, respected and valued. Both ways are love, yes, but the rollout is actually very different.

This is the book -

Know Their Love Language.

This simplifies showing love practically. Whether they love words of love and encouragement spoken to them, love receiving gifts no matter how small the gesture, love just being together, love having help with jobs or just want to hold you hand, knowing how your spouse communicates love and needs to receive love in this way will only benefit your marriage more.

Here is the book -

Other resources mentioned:

The Story of Marriage (Course by John & Lisa Bevere)


One Simple Hack To Get Motivated & Start To Declutter


It Won’t Be Like This Forever. Awareness for Postnatal Depression & Anxiety.