One Simple Hack To Get Motivated & Start To Declutter

I get it mumma, you are overwhelmed at all the stuff in the house and you want to simplify and clear the clutter but you don't know where to start? In this episode, I share with you one ridiculously simple hack to get you started, get the momentum and finally declutter the home. I promise you, starting is a lot easier than you think and I'm here to help you through it. Where do I start? How long will it take? I'll answer these questions and more so listen in.


Hello, beautiful mumma and welcome to another episode of the wholesome mumma show. Today, I'm going to give you a little hack into how to finally start simplifying the home. I know that you are overwhelmed with the mess in your home and you would really like to start decluttering, but you just don't know where or how to start, and you cannot get the motivation happening.

Hey mama, are you finding motherhood more stressful and overwhelming than joyful and fun? These spending your days in survival mode, just counting down to bedtime. I was there once too. When I became a new mum, I felt lost, confused, and I didn't know my calling beyond motherhood, even if I had one, John 10, 10 says that we are called to full abundant life. And I know that that includes us mothers. I'm Elyse Rooney, and I'm on a mission to empower women through strategies and mentoring, to simplify their life and makeover their mindset. Find purpose, walk in faith, and be able to be present with their family. Join me for conversations about being a woman of faith, conscious parenting and marriage, living in your purpose, how you can easily implement simple systems to simplify your home mind and life, keys to living an intentional life, and so much more. Grab that cup of tea and get ready to thrive. This is the wholesome mumma show.

How good does it sound to want to declutter the home and simplify things and move to a more minimal-ish, emphasis on the ish way of living, but you just don't know where to start in this episode, I'm going to share with you one simple hack and it is really a very simple thing where I want to help you finally feel motivated and like you can start to declutter the home. So I hope you're ready for my great hack.

Set a timer for 15 minutes and go into the bathroom. Go through your bathroom cabinet. I know it's really not rocket science and you're thinking, Oh, that is actually a very simple thing, but there's a reason behind this.

I spoke in a previous episode, the power of a 15 minute reset and that it can help you in stopping with a procrastination and getting in and getting things done because you know that it's only for 15 minutes. So you know that at the end of the 15 minutes, the timer is going to go off and you can stop and do what you really want to do. (Watch Netflix and eat chocolate.) So that's the psychology behind the 15 minute timer, you know, that there's a goal, that there's an end point where you can stop and go and do something else.

The reason why I say the bathroom is because it is something that you can generally get done in that 15 minutes, because in the bathroom we have a vanity that has the cupboards underneath and some drawers. And then we have our mirror, which has you can open up and have shelves behind it. So in that 15 minutes, you should generally be able to, if not completely finish it, get a good chunk done and be almost finished.

Firstly take a bag and get rid of any expired beauty products. I know we have them all, those stashes of beauty samples, old half used bottles of moisturiser and cleanser and all the things, just throw them in that bag to throw it away because you do not need them. You've had them in your bathroom cupboard since 2008. You're probably not going to use them now to get rid of them and then get rid of all the little samples and things like that. All the old nail polishes that are disgusting and separated and have gone crusty and hardened, get rid of those. Anything that you don't use get rid of. And the bathroom is another really good place because there's generally not anything sentimental in there. So you're not going to, well, I don't know you might, but I'm going to say that you're probably not going to get too attached to your old half used cleanser that you haven't used in the past five years. So you can easily get rid of it. And you just go through cupboard by cupboard, drawer by drawer, get rid of everything that you don't need. And the stuff that you are keeping, pull out and put into a pile.

Once you have gotten rid of everything that you are throwing away, come back and sort out the rest and put all items back so they have a place. All your skincare put together somewhere, and your haircare put it together somewhere. Then make sure you have a space that your hairdryer and straightener live, so they're not on the floor.

The whole idea around it is to make you feel like you are getting somewhere because you've got one room done and make sure you celebrate that. In 15 minutes you have just simplified one whole room. And let me tell you, when you are finished, it is going to feel so good, You are going to feel so good. You're going to enjoy walking into your bathroom and opening the cupboards and looking at this beautiful, neat, and ordered and simple cupboard where it's not a mess and it doesn't overwhelm you at all the stuff. You know where everything belongs, you know that you use everything that you have. And that is going to feel good, which then is going to give you the motivation to keep going. So then you can move from the bathroom to something like your bookshelf or your closet. And you just do it little bit by little bit, 15 minutes at a time.

I find the 15 minutes is really good because we can all come up with 15 minutes in a day somewhere. We just go "okay, for the next 15 minutes, I'm going to clean out my wardrobe". You're probably not going to be able to do the whole wardrobe in 15 minutes, but to start going through it room by room bit by bit. Have a set focused time to get what you can done.

And that is my one simple hack to start decluttering. I know how easy is it? And you're going to think, why didn't I do this earlier? It's so simple yet, we over-complicate things. And I know it's "cool" to be minimalistic and simple living and all that, but there's a reason behind it all; it actually helps to calm our mind. Hear me though, you don't have to have all the fancy organisation systems at first, you don't need everything to be colour coordinated and in all these fancy boxes for show. If you do get to that point where you can have everything like that, then absolutely go for it, but don't let that be a block for you for just getting started.

Just start mumma, set your timer, go into the bathroom, 15 minutes, clean out the cupboards and that's done. And then the next week set, 15 minutes, or even set half an hour, going into your wardrobe and clean, clean that out. Everything that doesn't fit you is worn or stretched or has marks on it, or you haven't worn since pre babies, or clothes you're hoping to get back into one day, just get rid of them.

Just start, little increments at a time, little spaces at a time. Don't let the first thing you do be your pantry or your kitchen, because that is super overwhelming for a lot of people to start with. I have found, and when I'm helping women through this, that doing something like the bathroom, that's not sentimental and is a quick, easy declutter win, has actually been what has helped give them that motivation to set them on the path of doing the rest of the house. So I told you it was going to be a quick, simple episode today, but I hope that that has given you some inspiration to maybe this week or this weekend, take that 15 minutes and clean the bathroom. And when you do make sure you post it on your Instagram stories and tag me @wholesomemumma and I can't wait to see your beautiful, simple, clean, and ordered bathrooms.

Thank you so much for joining me for another episode of the Wholesome Mumma show. I pray that you were blessed by this conversation. And if you did get something out of today's episode, I would love for you to take a moment, leave a review, subscribe, and even share this episode on your socials. Please don't forget to tag me @wholesomemumma. Also did you know that we have a community that is fully based around conversations happening in this podcast, search on Facebook, the wholesome mumma community. And I will see you in there. Let's share the love and light and help more women to thrive.


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