Wish You Could Push 'Reset"? Here's How Taking 15 Minutes Can Change Your Life!

Feeling stuck in any area of your life? What if I told you, it can take 15 minutes to completely turn it around?! This episode takes you through areas where taking 15 minutes can get you from being an overwhelmed mum to getting it done. Whether your house is a mess or needs decluttering, take 15 minutes. Maybe you need to have a real conversation with your husband, child, or even just calm your own emotions, take 15 minutes. Unmotivated to exercise? Yep, 15 minutes. Listen in and I'll show you how.

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Friends, I have got to be real with you - yesterday I lost it. I am so exhausted with back chats, tantrums, kids not sleeping, sickness, mess being made quicker than I can clean, plus all the pregnancy hormones that are going on right now. Last night, after a what’s been a horrid week, I lost it. I found myself wanting to yell something at the kids, so I went to the shower and had a good ol’ shower cry and like all good ideas that’s when this episode came to mind.

I bet you have felt the same at some point. Out of control and just wanting to push a reset button. Today we are going to dive in to our taking 15 minutes can actually change your life.

Firstly, let’s chat about taking 15 minutes to reset?

Now I absolutely did not come up with this and I’m sure that if you google search so many people will have shared there experience. But doing these 15 minute resets has been a game changer for me because it’s helped me to be more aware of my actions before they happen and helped me to be more in control of removing myself from a situation to do what I need to do to calm down. If I didn’t do this, I might do or say something I’ll later regret. Some ideas for taking 15 minutes to reset are; have a shower, go for a walk, have a big glass of water, wash your face, sit in the sun, meditate. And if you only have 5 minutes to do it, then take that. It’s not about the number of minutes, it’s about the time for you to remove yourself and do what you need in that moment to act as a reset button on your day.

There’s so many other ways that taking 15 minutes to reset can help change your life.

What about your home?

If you look around and are overwhelmed by mess and clutter, a great thing to do is to get the whole family involved, set a timer for 15 minutes and do a pick-up/pack-up. You will be amazed at how much gets done in 15 minutes. We have started to do this after dinner if the house is particularly messy from the day, generally with toys and clothes everywhere, but the kids really like the timer aspect of seeing how much they can get done before the music starts.

What about your marriage?

Another great thing to do is take 15 minutes to reset any relationship, but particularly your marriage. When you have kids it can be so hard to have an actual conversation before 9pm. And for us, I’m then too tired to talk and will go to bed. But, if there is a pressing issue that we actually have to have a conversation about, we will take 15 minutes to chat. If we need to, we turn the TV on and put a show on that goes for around 10 minutes and tell the kids that “mummy and daddy need to discuss something and will come out when the show if finished”. That way we aren’t disturbed and can solve any issues. And yes, you absolutely can put on a longer show, if you are need to push reset in the bedroom. But that aside, taking time out to have a conversation that needs to happen, rather than putting it off and also allowing yourself and your partner that time is incredibly helpful.

Another part of your life that taking 15 minutes can help is moving your body.

Take 15 minutes a day to exercise. Whether that’s going for a run or YouTubing pilates videos, whatever is the easiest for you to get it done. We know we need to do it and we set all the glamorous goals but don’t actually ever do it. So by taking just 15 minutes, we can learn the habit and then build on that.

The last way I want to talk about taking 15 minutes is to brainstorm what action needs to take for any problems in your life right now. This flows on from last weeks episode, which was part 2 of No Longer A Hot Mess Of A Mumma where we talked about how to take action in your day. But give yourself 15 minutes to tackle a problem that occurring and come up with a course of action that you are going to take. f you haven’t listened to that episode yet, make sure you go back and listen to both part 1 and 2 for more on this.

They are just a few ways where taking 15 minutes can really change your life. See how simple and easy it can be, and the flow on effect of taking 15 minutes to sort stuff out is massive. Taking 15 minutes allows you to change the trajectory of your day and make it even better and who doesn’t want that.


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