STOP THE SCROLL. Why You Need To Stop Using Social Media As A Feel Good Drug! And How!

When we start to live more intentionally, part of the journey is looking at why we do, what we do. Join me for a conversation as I share why I'm no longer using social media as a "feel good drug" to help fill my cup and what I'm doing to meet my emotional needs instead. If you are ready to feel more refreshed and let go of just scrolling then listen in.

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Last weekend I had a migraine and couldn’t use my phone or the computer at all. No work got done but also no scrolling happened.

And how did that make me feel? Empty. Even though I didn’t think I necessarily had a problem when it came to social media, I wouldn’t say I get caught up in comparison much, but after having this past weekend off, I felt more refreshed than I have in a long time. And I had a migraine so that’s saying something.

What I discovered was that I had been using social media to help myself feel good. I just enjoyed the mindless scrolling and watching others, who some are friends and family but to be honest a lot are strangers. It became what I went to, to fill my cup and fix some kind of emotional need I had.

Have you thought about where you are getting those needs met? Feeling of community, feeling of belonging, but also feeling of worthiness, not having fomo. We tend to focus a lot on the self - i just need some more self care, I just need to do more self development. Girl, only Jesus is going to fill that void. So start seeking your fulfilment in him. 

By less of the noise around us and coming at as in the form of a screen, we are able to hear what God is saying to us. Less of me, More of Him. It will only be when we stop looking at the world to fill us and start looking to the one who created it to fill us, that’s when we will have peace and joy. We aren’t going to find that in the world to sustain us.

So now I limit my time on social media. Sure I still go on and interact with people, I’ll still be in your stories chatting, I’ll still be in the fb group posting and sharing with you all but I no longer go on just to scroll. Honestly, it makes me feel so empty - going between fb and ig again and again to see if anything else is new.

I am figuring out ways that works for me when it comes to a bible study, devotionals etc. There’s so many different ways we can do this - in person or even online bible study like a book club of sorts, the bible app, the bible on audio if you don’t have time to read, get a devotional book that you can do. So try some out and see what works for you too.

It’s time we start being mindful of our time and how we are spending it and time to stop using social media as a crutch because you aren’t feeling fulfilled. Instead, get really, deeply fulfilled with the truth of the word.


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