You Need A Word, Not A Resolution

The top 10 resolutions:

  1. Exercise more

  2. Lose weight

  3. Get organized

  4. Learn a new skill or hobby

  5. Live life to the fullest

  6. Save more money / spend less money

  7. Quit smoking

  8. Spend more time with family and friends

  9. Travel more

  10. Read more

Studies have shown that less than 25% of people actually stay committed to their resolutions after just 30 days, and only *% accomplish them.

A lot of people are moving towards setting goals rather than resolutions. Goals are specific and actionable which is great because resolutions are often broad and pretty vague.

“Live Life to the fullest” what does that even mean? Or “Travel More” - okay let’s break that down - where do you want to travel, with who, how etc?

This is why so many resolutions fall flat before January is even over. There’s no grit to them.

You Need A Different Approach. YOU NEED A WORD.

Start getting intentional about, what you want for yourself over the next 12 months. When you think about your goals or dreams, is there one word you can bring it back to.

My word for 2020 was….. WHOLESOME

Little did I know that it would become a brand I’m building. But to me last December when I chose that word - I was meaning that I wanted things in my life to be real, authentic, abundant, full, rich and not even meaning money. I wanted wholesome relationships, I wanted to eat more wholesome, nourishing foods, I wanted to be more in tune with my health and body. And that’s pretty well become my mission for the wholesome mumma brand.

So why get intentional about one word?

When you have one word, this is what you can hold as your standard for the next year. So with “Wholesome”, when decisions came I would ask “does this help me to be more wholesome?”

So my word for 2021, is totally inspired by the book “The Best Yes” by Lisa Terkeurst and it’s “Best Yes”.

So when things come up, opportunities, problems, situations, whatever it is, I will run it through my “Best Yes Filter”.

What is the Best yes in this circumstance? Saying yes to something always means saying no to something else. But I want to be aware of what I am saying yes to, and what I am saying no to, and give my yes to the best. Sometimes that will be giving up something else to be with my family, sometimes that will be not spending a weekend with my family and going away for work, it might be a financial decision, the list goes on.

So your word for the year, is the filter that you run everything through. Some of mine in the past have been, “brave” and that year I just kept giving myself permission to get outside my comfort zone and be brave for a moment. Others have been - heal, try, savour.

You need a word, not a resolution. Take some time over the next week or so and really think and be intentional about what is it that I want for my life over the next 12 months and find a word that feels good. Then write it down everywhere you can and remind yourself of it, speak it out as a declaration over yourself.

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